What kind of things can we expect to see at the Kusakabe Folk Museum?
Located in Hida Takayama, with the Miyagawa river running nearby, the Kusakabe Folk Museum is a compilation of how a townhouse of the Edo period was built, and is designated as an “important cultural property”.
How far is it from the station?
It is about 15 minutes on foot.
Is there a parking available?
The museum does not have a parking area, but there are many public parking lots available nearby.
Please contact us in advance by phone for the details of our location or when you are visiting as a group with a motor-coach.
Is the museum wheelchair accessible?
Most of the facility is accessible with a wheelchair. Slopes are also available.
Please note, however, that the Japanese-style tatami rooms are not accessible with a wheelchair.
Can I take photos in the museum?
In principle, photographing is allowed. However, we appreciate your care in not disturbing other visitors.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Is the museum open during the year-end and New Year holidays?
Yes, the museum is open during the period. Please note, however,
we will be closed instead on a day after the 3rd of January.
Approximately how long does it take to see the whole museum?
The required time for the visit is about 30 minutes. After the visit,
you will be able to sit back and relax in the lounge, where you can have a cup of tea and some snacks offered by the director of the museum.
