

01 | 教科書や本からは伝わらない臨場感溢れる歴史を学ぶ

You will be welcomed by the magnificent architecture in the Edo style, including strong beams and post columns, wholly built with Japanese Cypress creating an open space.
The townhouse is typical of Takayama and the fireplace suggest the daily lives of the locals back then.
The museum allows you to experience what cannot be learned through photos or letters, in the form of history.

02 | 高山のパワースポット!からくり仕様のお仏壇

It is not too much to say that the gorgeous Buddhist alter is the best spot to see in the Kusakabe Folk Museum.
Three hundred taels (approximately equivalent to US$ 1 million today) were invested to elaborate the altar.
It is equipped with a hidden automaton, which could be carried out to escape the 1875 conflagration.

03 | 第一・第二展示場など、展示物も豊富

Exhibition Hall 1 exhibits utensils, among other items, used in the daily lives of common people from the late Edo period through the Meiji period.
Exhibition Hall 2 is a two-story library, where 5,000 handicraft items are permanently exhibited. The displays are reorganized from time to time, so that you can enjoy the spectacular exhibition each time you visit the museum.

04 | 団体様でもOK!(30名様以上の団体割引有)

The museum welcomes large groups of tourists.
A group of up to about 100 people can be accommodated.

05 | 駐車場は徒歩圏内にございます、大型バスの駐車も可能です。

Visitors by cars are also welcomed; a number of parking lots are available within walking distance.
For a parking space for a large motor-coach, feel free to contact us in advance.

06 | 無料観光ガイドが分かりやすくご説明します。

Free tour guides are available at your request.
Feel free to request a guided tour for a more impressive experience.

07 | 古い町並みから近いので立ち寄りやすい!

The museum is located just five (5) minutes on foot from “Old Town,” one of the major tourist spots in Takayama, so it is frequently incorporated in a tourist route.
You can also enjoy various other tourist spots available in nearby locations.

Click here for a map

08 | 季節のイベントや催事なども充実

Various events are held depending on when you visit, so feel free to join.
You can experience everything from seasonal festivities (Doll Festival, etc.) to classic music concerts, among other events.

Click here for Festivities and Event Schedules


Open Hours9:00〜 16:30 (March - November)
9:00〜 16:00 (December - February)
ClosedNever closes (March - November)
Tuesdays (December - February)
*The museum is open during the year-end and New Year holidays.
Admission Fees Adult: 1,000 yen (900 yen per person for a group of 30 or more)
High School Students: 500 yen (450 yen per person for a group of 30 or more)
Younger than High School Students: 300 yen (250 yen per person for a group of 30 or more)
Infants: Free


Booking/Inquiry available also on the day of your visit.

お電話でのご予約やお問い合わせは TEL (0577)32-0072



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