





3月3日〜4月3日 日下部家〜雛まつり〜

In Takayama, the Doll Festival is celebrated on April 3rd -- a month behind other regions. Many of the Hina dolls conserved by the Kusakabes were brought in for generations as trousseaux of those who married into the heads of family, and some of the boxes for the dolls have inscriptions of the names of the historical brides. Enjoy fully the magnificent collection of Hina dolls, handed down generations.


5月1日〜6月5日 日下部家〜端午の節句〜

4月14日・15日 春の高山祭
Venue:Hie Jinja Shrine, Takayama City
A procession of people pulls floats called “Moving Yomei-mon Gates.” Torige-uchi (Kankako), the lion dance, and shrine parishioners in kamishimo outfits with flat kasa hats join the procession of mikoshi (portable shrines). This has been designated an intangible folk cultural property by the national and prefectural governments.
7月下旬〜8月上旬 花火大会
Venue:Dry riverbed area of the Miyagawa River, Takayama City
Approximately 2,000 fireworks dynamically decorate the night sky of Takayama.
10月9日・10日 秋の高山祭
Venue:Sakurayama Hachimangu Shrine, Takayama City
One of Japan’s three most beautiful festivals, with a procession of 11 floats passing throughout the city. This has been designated an intangible folk cultural property by the national and prefectural governments.


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